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Welcome to the 2024 NOVEMBER Shrine Bowl Information Page

The Shrine Bowl will be played  Saturday, November 16th with kick-off being at 3 pm!!!

Location: Harrison Stadium, Oroville CA


2024 CA Youth Shrine Bowl Schedule (updated 8/26/24)).

Youth Shrine Bowl Schedule (CA)

Sept 8 - Player/ Parent mtg, Ticket Distribution (Required) 

  • 9 am North @ Anderson H.S Theatre

  • 2 pm pm South @ Ben Ali Shrine Center 

You may attend either location for convenience.

Oct 3rd - Fundraising Drop off @ Ben Ali 3262 Marysville Blvd, Sac,  Or Mail to SYF PO Box 178 Newcastle Ca, 95658. If dropped off at Ben Ali, place In a sealed envelope with participants Name and Program listed. If not completed, Drop what you have completed so we know that you are still participating, even if it is for 1 tix. Failure to Drop, we will assume you are dropping and you have returned or mailed in your tickets. Call for drop off times 916-920-4107

Oct 13 – Final fundraising turn in, Jersey/Cheer Issue 

  • North Colusa County Fairgrounds , Colusa 9am

  • South Ben Ali Shrine Center 3pm, 

All Swag gear orders can be found online, print and order directly with the vendors. 

Team Photo day, NO Make Ups.Cheer may attend either session to accommodate cheer event.

Nov 10 – Practice 

  • North Football Practice 9 am-3pm @ Red Bluff H.S

  • South. @ River City H.S

  • 8th Grade Cheer 9am - 3pm @ William Jessup University 

Please bring all gear, Sanitizer, lunch and liquids to practice.

If you have not turned in all fundraising ticket $ by 10/13, your spot on our rosters will be given to another school. You can mail in fundraising to the SYF office or Drop @ Ben Ali Shrine (call to confirm open times). If at any time you choose not to participate and fail to complete your project, please drop or mail your tickets back to SYF ASAP. PO Box 178 Newcastle Ca 95658

Ben Ali Shrine Center of Sacramento


The Ben Ali Shrine of Sacramento is one of 195 Shrine Centers throughout the United States, Mexico, Canada, Porto Rico, Phillipines and the Republic of Panama.

We are all 32 Masons, the oldest Fraternity in the World. The Nobles (as they are sometimes called) are men from all walks of life.....truck drivers, doctors, business owners and labors, movie stars, generals, clergymen, accountants, plumbers, etc.

We are the ones you see in those bright red funny hats, called a Fez maybe driving a go- cart, or a scooter or a Paddy Wagon or carrying the Flag of our country or just walking in a parade. 

We have a membership of approximately 450,000 and serve our communities though our organization and/or it’s affiliated bodies such as the Masonic Lodges, and the Scottish and York Rites. Our ladies and youth groups also have their organizations of such as the Ladies Shrine, the DeMolay, the Rainbow Girls and the Jobs Daughters.

In the 1870s, many Masons got together to form this new fraternity in which fun and fellowship would be stressed more than ritual work usually associated with Lodges. As a result of a party thrown by an Arabian Diplomat, which an elaborate play was performed. Shrinedom was born.

In the 1920, the idea was born for the membership to establish the “Shriners Hospital for Crippled Children” by a $2.00 yearly assessment. This name was eventually changed to the Shriners Hospitals for Children. In 1922 we opened the first hospital. Over the years they have expanded but are still specializing in Burns, Orthopaedic , Spinal Cord problems. Here in Sacramento, we have a complete floor dedicated to Research.

The Ben Ali Shrine SUPPORTS AND PROMOTES the operations of this and the other 21 hospitals throughout the system.

BEN ALI SHRINE IS AN AMBASSADOR OF THE GREATEST PHILANTHROPY IN THE WORLD. Ben Ali is very fortunate to have within it jurisdiction the Flagship of all the 22 Shriners Hospitals for Children



Fund Raising is a big part of the operations of Ben Ali Shrine Center.
Each year we hold a Shrine Circus, Golf Tournaments, a Run/Walk, Crab Feeds, Kid’s Day Newspaper Sales and a variety of other events in which the PUBLIC and especially children can participate.

The Ben Ali Shrine Center of Sacramento is a big contributor to the Community and endeavors to reach out to all the children of the Sacramento Area by bringing the less privileged to the circuses, by promoting other events they can come and participate in.

Ben Ali Shrine has over 50 Units and Clubs, some of which many of you may have seen in the numerous parades we do each year. Through these parades we promote fun, good will and SHRINEDOM. 


First of all, get involved. You do not have to be a Mason or a Shriner to volunteer at the Hospital or participate in many of our fund raisers.

Ask a Shriner how you can become one? Be a Clown, or Keystone Cop, or drive a Go-Cart, or be in the Color Guard, or the Motorcycle Club or the Golf Club or the Sportsmen Club. You name it we’ve got it. Have fun and help kids , too!

Join us in our family oriented events, our fund raisers and enjoy the rewards of doingsomethinggreatforaorganizationthatbelievesinGod, inhelpingchildren and in it’s community.

Come visit, take a tour. Call us:

THE BEN ALI SHRINE CENTER 3262 Marysville Blvd
P.O. 21-4477 Sacramento, CA 95821
(916) 920-4107

See highlights from the 2018 Shrine Florida Game 
⁠2018 Youth Shriner Bowl Game California vs Florida⁠⁦‪‬⁩ 

Donation to Ben Ali Shriners

Commissioner, Jay Erhart got the pleasure again, to represent SYF and present our Donation to Ben Ali Shriners prior to their Installation of Officers ceremony. 

We would like send out a huge Thank you from all of the Shriners present, to all of you who have donated funds, time, players and energy to this worthwhile endeavor.  

Through the efforts of our kids, families and staff we were able to donate over $50,000 from this years events at Hughes Stadium and in Orlando, FL.  

We look forward to next year, our 20 year Anniversary game, an even bigger event and larger donation to both, Ben Ali and Bahia Shriners.  

Please pass along our many thanks to your volunteers, families and staff.